Friday, January 29, 2010

Kucinich to Obama "Sack up!"

Mild mannered Dennis Kucinich has called for President Obama to take bold steps to reform America and pull us out of the Bush Depression.
Deeply disillusioned last week by his party's insufficient response to the recession, Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) said Thursday he views President Obama's State of the Union as a step in the right direction but urged him to "be much bolder."

"It would be helpful if he could take a page from Franklin Roosevelt," Kucinich told Raw Story in an exclusive interview. "FDR saw the need for broad structural changes in the economy and also the need for government to invest and put America back to work."

"If we can't fix our economic injustices and improve the standard of living for regular people, we could lose our country."
Or to put it another way, The Audacity of Hope isn't worth shit without the Audacity of Performance.

Danton put it so well, Pour les vaincre, messieurs, il nous faut de l'audace, encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace et la Patrie sera sauvée!


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