Monday, December 28, 2009

Arlen Specter confirms what we all knew

At least all of us in the reality community. But the best part was his doing so from the den of the beast, Fux News Sunday.
"I'd like to pick up on what Sen. DeMint says about the process. I think the process was very bad. But the process was really caused, in large measure, by the refusal of the Republicans to deal in any way," said Specter.

"Sen. DeMint is the author of the famous statement that this is going to be President Obama's 'Waterloo,' that this ought to be used to break the president," said Specter, referring to the political battle over health care. "So that before the ink was dry on the oath of office -- and I know this, because I was in the caucus -- the Republicans were already plotting ways to beat President Obama in 2012."
Sen DeMint has responded, not by denying what Specter alleges but with a vicious ad hominem attack as prescribed in the GOP playbook.


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