Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dumb as a shoelace

Go-olly, he has done it again. Rep. Louie "Gomer" Gohmert R-Gooberpatch has once more proved that, in GOP circles, it is a badge of honor to be dumber than the shit you took this morning. Pretending that he knows something about New York and American Justice and, indeed, anything that adults have to deal with, Gomer has opened his mouth and dropped another load.
Rep. Louie Gohmert appeared on Fox News earlier today to discuss the House bill he's proposed that aims to prevent Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other detainees from being tried in New York City.

Gohmert first claimed that "millions of New Yorkers who will be put at risk" by such a trial, where "you've got weak links all along the way. From the jailers, the bailiffs, the clerks, the jurors, the judge, everybody in the courtroom, their families. You've got subways, tunnels, bridges, all subject to terrorism."

Gohmert continued: "Unless they're trying to create a new jobs bill by allowing terrorism back in New York, then this is insane." He added, "and even that would be insane."
Some might say Gomer is dumb as a bag of hammers, but that implies some heft. Our little Gomer is a real lightweight.

Listen to Gomer whine on Fux


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