Sunday, August 23, 2009

Stark raving lunacy as party policy

Frank Rich writes one of those columns you need to read. In it he describes the GOP descent into White Madness. And in the end he has a piece of valuable wisdom for President Obama.
The G.O.P., whose ranks have now dwindled largely to whites in Dixie and the less-populated West, is not even a paper tiger — it’s a paper muskrat. James Carville is correct when he says that if Republicans actually carried out their filibuster threats on health care, it would be a political bonanza for the Democrats.

In last year’s campaign debates, Obama liked to cite his unlikely Senate friendship with Tom Coburn, of all people, as proof that he could work with his adversaries. If the president insists that enemies like this are his friends — and that the nuts they represent can be placated by reason — he will waste his opportunity to effect real change and have no one to blame but himself.
This is not a new idea, but it would be nice if Obama showed some inkling of understanding it.


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