Thursday, July 23, 2009

How politics works

Gail Collins enlightens us on what it takes to get a favorable legislative result in DC using the recent success with the F-22 as an example.
Everybody pulled out all the stops to give wavering senators the spine to take a stand. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates made a big we-are-at-the-crossroads speech in Chicago, telling the nation that if the F-22 stayed in the budget, all hope of sane procurement practices was lost forever.

The president threatened to veto the entire $664 billion defense appropriations bill if there were F-22s in it. Vice President Joe Biden was on the phone talking and talking and talking. Rahm Emanuel was threatening to bite people on the leg — it was terrible, seeing those swing votes limping down the halls with the White House chief of staff gnawing at their ankles.

And they won! Who says the Senate can’t make the hard choices?
If you think Congress is simply stupid speeches and up or down votes, this is not the read for you. Bit it is fun.


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