Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The GOP lies so much, so often

That we thought it would be a good idea to present a real Canadian talking about the real Canadian Health Care System. And not just any Canadian, but a former deputy minister of health and deputy minister of treasury and economics for Ontario who should probably know more than any GOP could ever learn.
As President Barack Obama drafts his health-care plan, he could profit from reviewing the successes and shortcomings of the Canadian system that has operated successfully for more than 40 years. Canada spends more than a third less per capita on health than the United States and still covers everyone, whereas the U.S. system leaves 46 million people without insurance.

Since our health statistics are markedly better, average Americans would be healthier and live longer if they lived in Canada. Here, doctors do not have to waste time seeking insurance approvals. Medical need is the only requirement and pre-existing conditions don't matter. The reduction in the bloated overheads and bureaucracy among insurance companies and government is one of the secrets to our lower costs. If the U.S. were to copy this, it could save $1 trillion a year and cover everyone. The lower costs would also help make employers more competitive.

In our system, wait times have been the largest complaint but some progress is being made. We do have a good referral system, which means that urgent cases mostly get treated in a timely fashion, hence our excellent health statistics.
Curiously, those that have closed their minds to the reality and their hearts to their fellow citizens insist inthe comments that they know better.


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