Thursday, July 30, 2009
Banned in "Bama
After reading this news report one might easily think it is sentient thought that is banned, but no it is a humble wine label.

You be the judge.
Alabama's ban on a wine that features a nude nymph on the label became a business opportunity for a California vintner who is preparing a marketing campaign to capitalize on being "Banned in Bama."Still, one could say it is just the uptight Baptists on the Booze Board because when not worrying about the morals of their wine drinkers, Alabama government also does this.
The Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board recently told stores and restaurants to quit serving Cycles Gladiator wine because of the label. Board attorney Bob Martin said the stylized, art-nouveau rendition of a nude female with a flying bicycle violated Alabama rules against displaying "a person posed in an immoral or sensuous manner."
Bill Leigon, president of Hahn Family Wines in Soledad, Calif., said Thursday that visits to the company's Web site have increased tenfold since news of the ban broke late last week, and callers from across the country have been asking where they can buy the wine.
Because of the interest, he's developing store displays that say "Banned in Bama" and "Taste What They Can't Have in Alabama."
Hahn said he will never miss the 500 cases sold annually in Alabama. "There is going to be a significant increase in our sales," he predicted.
Although nude art bothers the alcohol board, it's not a problem for some other branches of Alabama government.And what is so bad about the label?
The Alabama Tourism Department distributes a brochure with a cover featuring Hiram Powers' 19th century nude statue, The Greek Slave, which is on display at the Westervelt Warner Museum of American Art in Tuscaloosa. It is available in museums statewide, interstate highway welcome centers and visitors' bureaus statewide.
"We haven't had any concerns about it," Tourism Director Lee Sentell said.
And Alabama's Capitol has historic paintings on display, including two that show several topless female Indians.

You be the judge.
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