Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The White House is haunted
And it is just our luck that the spirit of the dumbest fucking guy ever to inhabit the White House, George W Fucking Bush himself, appears to have possession of our President Barack Obama. Consider 44's refusal to prosecute war criminals, release information about their torture conspiracy, back off Bushian efforts to illegally wiretap Americans, defend the indefensible DOMA using the words of a leftover Bush attorney and a Mormon cultist to boot. And to add insult to injury,
President Obama has embraced Bush Administration justifications for denying public access to White House visitors logs even as advisers say they are reviewing the policy of keeping secret the official record of comings and goings.What is needed is an pagan exorcism to rid our President of this perverted pseudochristian spectre. If Dick "dick" Cheney's Portable Human Sacrifice altar is still in his office we might effect a cleansing using only a small Rahmbo sized offering. If major mojo is needed, they would have to move the D"d"CPHS altar outside for a Larry Summers sized burnt offering. Whichever, I hope they do it soon.
In recent days, the Secret Service has rejected requests from two organizations for the logs, which document the West Wing meetings that have helped shape Obama's policies on banking regulation, economic recovery, foreign policy and the auto industry.
Today, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration seeking release of the visits of coal company executives to the White House. Msnbc.com reported today that their broader request for logs since Jan. 20 was also denied.
"The Obama administration has now taken exactly the same position as the Bush administration, telling us the visitor logs are presidential records," said Anne Weismann, the legal counsel for CREW. "I don't see how you can keep people from knowing who visits the White House and adhere to a policy of openness and transparency. The discrepancy between the rhetoric and the policy is especially great."
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