Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tom Daschle was useless as Majority Leader

And today he proved he is just as useless outside the Senate. In a hardly surprising move, he has urged the Senate to embrace corporate welfare and pass a health care "reform" package that diverts large sums to the insurance companies for no measurable public benefit. Or to put it in English, he says they should forget about a Public Option Plan. And why is this hardly surprising?
The firm that houses two of the three former Senate majority leaders who proposed a comprehensive health care compromise bill on Wednesday has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to lobby on behalf of key players in the health care industry. In addition, the company that presented those findings, the Bipartisan Policy Center, counts as a major fundraiser one of the country's largest pharmaceutical companies.

Former Sens. Tom Daschle, Bob Dole and Howard Baker joined forces this week to put out a health care plan 15 months in the making. The three political gray beards, who co-founded the Bipartisan Policy Center, called for an approach to reform that included state-operated public insurance options as well as individual and employer mandates for coverage. Their proposal was pitched as a bi-partisan effort at solving one of the most complex legislative issue facing the nation.
Tom and others have discovered the joys of being bought, with our premium dollars if we are of the lucky ones with coverage. We got coverage but not this year, the insurance companies have other plans for all that money.


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