Thursday, April 16, 2009

Obama has really screwed up

He has given a pass to the torturers who put the insane Bush-Cheney Inquisition into action. According to the President, they were only following orders they thought were legal.
One technique authorized for use by the C.I.A. beginning in August 2002 was the use of “insects placed in a confinement box,” presumably to induce fear on the part of a terror suspect...

...“Interrogators may combine water dousing with other techniques, such as stress positions, wall standing, the insult slap, or the abdominal slap,” wrote the official, Stephen G. Bradbury...

...The documents included Justice Department memos from 2002 and 2005 authorizing the C.I.A. to employ a number of aggressive techniques — including sleep deprivation, exposure to extreme temperatures and “waterboarding,” the near-drowning technique.
Any ethically and morally stable person would know these methods are torture. Add to that the trained interrogators understanding that these methods are counter productive and wrap them in a defense that was adjudged claptrap sixty years ago and we find the President, his administration and by extension, all of us are now accessories after the fact to the Bush-Cheney crimes. We must question the value of Obama's legal training, if it allowed him to support heinous crimes.

TPM has the memos here


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