Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Drug addled pedophile leaving New York

Except for when he has to run away from hurricanes because you know His Fatness, The Supreme Head of the Republican Party, Rush Blimpdough absolutely will not put up with any inconvenience. That is for little people who pay his taxes.
Rush Limbaugh, in the midst of a tirade on Monday's radio show against New York Governor David Paterson's tax increases, denounced the state and announced that he was vacating it immediately.

Limbaugh, who claims that he pays per-diem city and state New York taxes, said that he would sell his New York condominium and visit the state as little as possible:

"And I try to go as little as possible. If it weren't for hurricanes down here, I would never go up there. New York is the escape valve in case hurricanes are showing up in our area, because of the loss of electricity
Please Rush let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Several times if possible.

Hope the SOB don't come here.

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