Thursday, February 26, 2009

Back to the land

Or the New Beverly Hillbillies.
They bid farewell to their beloved trips to the opera and museum, the beach and Buddhist temples. They ate one last time at their favorite restaurants serving Indian curried chicken and warm bowls of Vietnamese pho.

Leah Bird and her husband, Ed Wright, have traded their comfortable two-bedroom apartment and jobs in Beverly Hills, California, for life in a trailer on a five-acre Oregon farm.

No longer do the couple hear roaring fire trucks in the street or chatter from patrons dining at outdoor cafes. On this farm, the dominant silence is occasionally interrupted by the sounds of frogs and crickets.

"It's not necessarily a lifestyle that has ever seemed attractive to me," says 28-year-old Bird, between tending to the farm animals: two sheep, two Nubian goats, miniature horses and geese. "I always saw myself as more of a metropolitan person, but you know, without money, this was our best option."
It's really just a case of moving back in with Mom and Dad.

Who cares? Why does CNN think that people who make a CHOICE represent people that are affected by the economy? These people are NOT typical, and do not represent, well, anyone. Too bad that the REAL people suffering in this economy aren't stylish enough to be a front page/home page article!
OMFG "they were making over 100K per year now they have to live in a trailer"

Ever heard of a savings account?
Does anyone else find these kinds of stories that keep popping up ironic after last year's commentary from the illegal immigrant activists about "Jobs Americans won't do?"

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