Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The UN curtails Rummy's travel plans

Purely domestic travel for everybodys favorite evil old fart. It seems that the UN has sufficient evidence for civilized nations to arrest and prosecute him for ordering torture.
Monday, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture Manfred Nowak told CNN's Rick Sanchez that the US has an "obligation" to investigate whether Bush administration officials ordered torture, adding that he believes that there is already enough evidence to prosecute former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

"We have clear evidence," he said. "In our report that we sent to the United Nations, we made it clear that former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld clearly authorized torture methods and he was told at that time by Alberto Mora, the legal council of the Navy, 'Mr. Secretary, what you are actual ordering here amounts to torture.' So, there we have the clear evidence that Mr. Rumsfeld knew what he was doing but, nevertheless, he ordered torture."
If it would help Mr. Nowak, I would gladly buy Rummy a plane ticket.


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