Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Leonard Pitts has had his fill of pus balls like Limbaugh

And he says so in his latest column.
"I hope he fails."

Do you ever say that about your president if you are an American who loves your country? Would you say it about George W. Bush, who was disastrous; about Bill Clinton, who was slimy; about Jimmy Carter, who was inept; about Richard Nixon, who was crooked? You may think he's going to fail, yes. You may warn he's going to fail, yes.

But do you ever hope he fails? Knowing his failure is the country's failure? Isn't that, well . . . disloyal?

The irony is that Limbaugh and the other clowns would have you believe they are bedrock defenders of this country, that they love it more than the rest of us, more than anything.

That's a lie. Limbaugh just told us so, emphatically.
And along the way Mr Pitts stumbles upon the reality of conservative Republicans, the real reason why they are the Party of Hoover.
The country doesn't matter. The "side" does. And Limbaugh's side seems angry in power and angry out. It's as if anger is all they really have.
Anger is all they ever had and it blinds them to anything positive in this world.


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