Monday, December 22, 2008
Moles, werewolves and stay-behinds, Oh My!
Nat Hentoff, writing in the Village Voice, is worried. His worry is about the ability and determination of President-elect Obama and his new crew to winkle out all the Bush sympathizers and others who have developed a taste for subverting the Constitutional rights of Americans fostered by the outgoing Bushoviks.
"Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney have so deeply embedded tacit approval for illegal acts in government agencies that wrongdoing by their philosophical sympathizers will continue in shadow operations for years to come."Will these otherwise decent people be able to return to the restraints of the Rule of Law or have the Bushoviks irrevocably released the nemeses of a constitutional republic? And more importantly, does Obama have the will and the wherewithall to restore the Republic?
How many of those shadow sympathizers will remain deep in the CIA, the FBI, Homeland Security—and, as I shall later emphasize, in the omnivorous National Security Agency, with its creatively designed submarine that, on the bottom of the ocean floor, will be tapping into foreign cables carrying overseas communications, including those of Americans?
Back at home, will President Obama order the countermanding of the FBI's return to the unbounded surveillance practices of J. Edgar Hoover? In an order implemented as recently as this December—by FBI Director Robert Mueller (who says he'd like to stay on) and Attorney General Michael Mukasey—the FBI can start an investigation without requiring any evidence of wrongdoing
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