Saturday, November 08, 2008

New suit, same old schmuck inside

Sen. Kyl has begun the Republican obstruction season by declaring he will filibuster qualified judges for appointment to the Supreme Court if they don't meet his ideological standards.
“He believes in justices that have empathy,” said Kyl, speaking at a Federalist Society meeting in Phoenix. The attorneys group promotes conservative legal principles.

Kyl said if Obama goes with empathetic judges who do not base their decisions on the rule of law and legal precedents but instead the factors in each case, he would try to block those picks via filibuster.
Were Kyl and honest man in his pronouncements, he would have opposed the scurvy crew of the Dread Chief Justice Roberts and Alito, Scalia and the Cabin Boy Thomas. But Kyl is not an honest man, he is a Republican.


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