Sunday, October 19, 2008

John McCain, Man of Dishonor

Which is really putting it nicely. What we are seeing is the complete breakdown of his integrity and values in pursuit of a goal that is moving farther away from him. This part of the transcript, courtesy of Crooks & Liars, from Chris Wallace's show on Fux displays the short shelf life of a promise from John Sidney McCain.
WALLACE: But Senator, back — if I may, back in 2000 when you were the target of robo calls, you called these hate calls and you said...

MCCAIN: They worked.

WALLACE: ... and you said the following, "I promise you, I have never and will never have anything to do with that kind of political tactic."

Now you've hired the same guy who did the robo calls against you to — reportedly, to do the robo calls against Obama and the Republican Senator Susan Collins, the co-chair of your campaign in Maine, has asked you to stop the robo calls. Will you do that?

MCCAIN: Of course not.
Nicely done, bomber boy! Sure looks like the voters will have to put you on ice Nov. 4 to stop this tantrum.


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