Thursday, August 14, 2008

John McCain is no Teddy Roosevelt

Timothy Egan, writing in the NYT today, looks at the two men and finds little in common between them. Indeed any any commonality begins with their being Republicans although Teddy was a true Progressive and Johnny has spent his life trying to halt progress.
From nearly every perspective, the John McCain of 2008 is no Teddy Roosevelt.

You start with the obvious: Roosevelt was the youngest man to become president, sworn into office in 1901 at the age of 42, after McKinley was shot. McCain, if elected, would be the oldest at 72.

McCain has attacked Barack Obama for his popularity, on the advice of Karl Rove acolytes in his camp who think that being a global celebrity is a bad thing.

You want celebrity? As the most popular American in the dawning decade of the American Century, Teddy Roosevelt was a global superstar — “the most popular human being that has ever existed in the United States,” as Mark Twain wrote.
Both had their images created in war, but where Johnny never met a war he didn't want to start, Teddy knew the value of real diplomacy. And it was Teddy who used the phrase “malefactors of great wealth”, it is Johnny and Cindy who qualify for that title.

In no way of any substance can John McCain be favorably compared to Teddy Roosevelt. If you don't believe me, consider this little known fact that Mr Egan reveals.
McCain sidles up to Big Oil and calls for more drilling, whereas Roosevelt went after the resource monopolies. When Standard Oil donated $100,000 to his campaign, he requested that it be sent back.


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