Sunday, August 24, 2008

The evil that men do lives after them

And let us not forget the evil that women, Monica Goodling comes to mind, do. It also lives after them and the NY Times has an analysis of the immigration "judges" appointed for their political purity and the results of their time on the job.
Immigrants seeking asylum in the United States have been disproportionately rejected by judges whom the Bush administration chose using a conservative political litmus test, according to an analysis of Justice Department data.

The analysis suggests that the effects of a patronage-style selection process for immigration judges — used for three years before it was abandoned as illegal — are still being felt by scores of immigrants whose fates are determined by the judges installed in that period.

The data focuses on 16 judges who were vetted for political affiliation before being hired and have since ruled on at least 100 cases each.

Comparison of their records to others in the same cities shows that as a group they ruled against asylum-seekers significantly more often than colleagues who were appointed, as the law requires, under politically neutral rules.
All of which has given rise to a study that came to a sad conclusion.
the facts of a case may be less important in determining whether someone is deported than which judge hears the case.
Life and death as a crap shoot, brilliant!


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