Tuesday, July 22, 2008
What if you throw a barbecue
And the reporters still go on Obama's trip overseas and leave you with the third string. If you are lucky a few, like Mrs. Andrea Greenspan, remember what they were hired for and report some bullshit stories. The rest figure a trip to Europe and the Middle East on the boss' dime is too good to pass up. And that gets the Old Fart all whiny and pissy.

McCain, upset over the extent to which his campaign has been eclipsed, launched a video on the internet entitled Obama Love, with quotes from television anchors and journalists that he regards as evidence of bias.Sweat all day cooking ribs and chicken and what does it get you? Nada.
The New Hampshire Union Leader reported yesterday that there was only one reporter on the tarmac when McCain touched down in the state on Monday in contrast with the enormous media pack accompanying Obama.Sure looks like someone needs a hug.

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