Saturday, July 12, 2008
The Old Fart is blowing smoke up your ass
And in its editorial today, The NY Times as much as calls OF a liar for his promises of tax cuts and budget balancing.

Mr. McCain’s main campaign promises, if fulfilled, would lead to huge budget deficits. Extending the Bush tax cuts, enacting more tax cuts of his own and staying the course in Iraq would cost hundreds of billions of dollars more, every year, than the small bore spending cuts he has specified. Mr. McCain cannot balance the budget on a crusade against pork and a one-year freeze in a sliver of federal spending. Either he has a secret plan to balance the budget or he’s blowing smoke.Unlike myself, the Times style book precludes telling you where he is blowing that smoke. It is obvious from this editorial that the NYT editorial board has never been invited to a McCain barbecus, and never will be.

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