Monday, July 21, 2008

Michelle Bachman huffing the solvents again

What better proof that the Republicans themselves do not believe in the efficacy of off shore drilling that the unleashing of the well known Republican dribblewit herself. Having spewed the fallacious "China drilling off our shores" fraud long after Dickwahd himself had acknowledged it was false, she is back and dumber than ever before. Her latest fraud to be perpetrated on a public already suffering from numerous Republican frauds is a beaut. The Democrats are keeping us from $2/gal. gas by stopping the off shore drilling. And if you don't want to buy that, she has a simply fabulous bridge you ought to buy.

Of course, drilling will reduce gasoline prices.

It's simply supply and demand.

by analogy, Say farmers copied Obama's theory that we should not drill for oil because drilling will not provide oil tomorrow.

If they adopted that sort of "reasoning," they wouldn't plant crops either because crops planted today will not provide food tomorrow. The price of wheat, corn, and soy beans would explode upward. Because everyone would know that there would be no food a year from now, everyone would want to horde.
Why then are the Republicans pushing for new leases offshore and blocking efforts to get the oil companies to drill some of the 60+ million acres currently under lease. It is much cheaper and easier to drill on land.

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