Sunday, July 13, 2008

But he didn't offer the Lincoln bedroom so it's OK

The Sunday Times of London reveals that a major fundraiser for the Republican party is offering access to major White House officials, and maybe Dear Leader himself, in exchange for large donations to the Bush Liberry and Memorial Twin Seat Outhouse, and himself.
Stephen Payne, who claims to have raised more than $1m for the president’s Republican party in recent years, said he would arrange meetings with Dick Cheney, the vice-president, Condoleezza Rice, the secretary of state, and other senior officials in return for a payment of $250,000 (£126,000) towards the library in Texas..

During an undercover investigation by The Sunday Times, Payne was asked to arrange meetings in Washington for an exiled former central Asian president. He outlined the cost of facilitating such access.

“The exact budget I will come up with, but it will be somewhere between $600,000 and $750,000, with about a third of it going directly to the Bush library,” said Payne, who sits on the US homeland security advisory council...

Payne said the balance of the $750,000 would go to his own lobbying company, Worldwide Strategic Partners (WSP).
So one third, $250,000, goes to the Liberry and two thirds, $500,000, goes into his pocket. How droll! Still, the percentages are better than BMW Direct, even if they are greater than your average tort lawyer. Those Republicans sure do know how to handle other people's money.


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