Saturday, July 26, 2008
Bob Herbert says something that needs to be repeated
As often as possible, in as many venues as possible, because it is a necessary preventative to another Republican disaster for the US.

How much do voters really know about John McCain?What follows is a litany of McCain Moments that the Barbecue Boys in the media prefer to overlook.
Part of the makeup of the man — apparently a significant part, according to many close observers — is his outsized temper. Mr. McCain’s temperament has long been a subject of fascination in Washington, and for some a matter of concern. He can be a nasty piece of work. (Truly nasty. He once told an extremely cruel joke about Chelsea Clinton — too cruel to repeat here.)The dangers of the Old Fart are easily subsumed among 99 other senators, but when given center stage, as in the White House, stand forth clearly as a recipe for disaster. John McCain is not a man you want to have a beer with, he is a man who will swing a bottle at your head if you don't watch every word you say.
If the McCain gaffes seem endless, so do the tales about his angry, profanity-laced eruptions. Senator Thad Cochran, a Mississippi Republican, said of Mr. McCain: “The thought of his being president sends a cold chill down my spine.”
Senator Pete Domenici, a New Mexico Republican, told Newsweek in 2000: “I decided I didn’t want this guy anywhere near a trigger.”

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