Friday, June 20, 2008
Krugman asks a question
Why, if the Bush energy policy is equal to the manure output of the top 3 dairy states, would the Old Fart tie himself to the mast of George W Bush on offshore drilling?

So why would Mr. McCain associate himself with these characters? The answer, presumably, is that it’s a cynical political calculation.Desperately hoping the public is dumber than his policies.
I’m reasonably sure that Mr. McCain’s advisers realize that offshore drilling would do nothing for current gas prices. But they may believe that the public can be conned. A Rasmussen poll taken before Mr. McCain’s announcement suggests that the public favors expanded offshore drilling, and believes (wrongly) that this would lower gasoline prices.
And Mr. McCain may also hope to shore up his still fragile relations with the Republican base. As anyone who has read what’s in his inbox after publishing an article on oil prices can testify, there are many people on the right who believe that all our energy problems have been caused by sanctimonious tree-huggers. Mr. McCain has just thrown that constituency some red meat.

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