Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Only when discovered

Does the Old Fart and his merry crew do the right thing. Like when Newsweek published the Myanmar connections to a couple of his lobbyist/campaign aides resign. Like when Cindy the Beer Princess is revealed to have investments in Sudan, does she sell them.
Cindy McCain, whose husband has been a critic of the violence in Sudan, sold off more than $2 million in mutual funds whose holdings include companies that do business in the African nation.

The sale on Wednesday came after The Associated Press questioned the investments in light of calls by John McCain, the likely Republican presidential nominee, for international financial sanctions against the Sudanese leadership.

Last year, at least four presidential candidates divested themselves of Sudan-related holdings.

According to McCain's personal financial disclosure, Cindy McCain's investments include two mutual funds - American Funds Europacific Growth fund and American Funds Capital World Growth and Income fund - that are listed by the Sudan Divestment Task Force as targets for divestment.

"Those have been sold as of today," said McCain spokesman Brian Rogers.
"As of today", as if Cindy didn't know what the Old Fart was saying about Sudan. As if the Old Fart didn't know what needed cleaning up when he began his presidential run. As if the Old Fart and the Beer Princess merely said, let's wait and see if any of Our Barbecue Boys notice. Looks like somebody did.


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