Wednesday, May 28, 2008
The Great War on Terra must be over
How else could you explain the government taking any time to pursue this issue.
Here is the Great Satan of bottle caps.

But the owner has a response.
WEED, Calif. -- This town is in a tempest over a bottle top.That last bit of government wisdom deserves a great big "SO?" But that won't stop the Feds when they spot evil on the hoof.
The federal government is telling the owner of a small brewery here that the pun he's placed on caps of his Weed Ales crosses a line.
"Try Legal Weed," the caps joke.
The U.S. Treasury Department's Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau says those three little words allude to marijuana use.
Here is the Great Satan of bottle caps.

But the owner has a response.
What irks him most, he says -- even more than the Feds' lack of a funny bone -- is what he considers a double standard.Right On, Brother!
While stomping on him, Dillmann says, the government treats Budweiser with kid gloves, despite the fact that "This Bud's for you" also could be mistaken for marijuana slang.
"They sell Bud. We sell Weed," he said. "What's the difference?"
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