Saturday, May 17, 2008
George W Bush as Albatross
Frank Rich points out the many ways that the legacy of Our Dear Embattled Leader will keep on giving this year, to the Democrats, hung around the neck of his party like the aforementioned bird. As he sees it, the Old Fart and all the other Republicans will never be able be able to escape the shadow of the Worlds Mightiest Sparrow Fart.
The McCain campaign is hoping that such showy, if tardy, departures from Bush-Cheney doctrine will constitute a galaxy of Sister Souljah moments, each with headlines reading “McCain Breaks With Bush on...” and the usual knee-jerk press references to Mr. McCain as a “maverick.” Enough of these, you see, and those much-needed independent voters might be flimflammed into believing that the G.O.P. candidate bears no responsibility for the administration’s toxically unpopular policies.It will be George W Bush's legacy to be remembered long before historians get their chance to study him.
But are independents suckers? They’d have to be to fall for the pitch that Mr. McCain is an apostate in his own party in 2008. He has been an outspoken Bush defender since helping him sell the Iraq war in 2002 and barnstorming for him in 2004. Despite Mr. McCain’s campaign claims to the contrary, he never publicly called for the firing of Donald Rumsfeld. He is still one of the president’s most stalwart supporters in Congress, even signing on to the president’s wildly unpopular veto of an expansion of children’s health insurance.
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