Sunday, May 11, 2008
Even when he is right, the Old Fart is wrong.
Like with his objection to the 21st Century GI Bill. He says it will cut reenlistment, which it turns out is true, but irrelevant. Along the way it would also increase recruitment and reduce the cost of that recruitment.

The Congressional Budget Office, the nonpartisan analytical arm of Congress, said in a report Thursday that enactment of S 22, a bill promising to pay full tuition plus a stipend for veterans attending college, could lead to a 16 percent drop in re-enlistments.So the only real reason for the Old Fart to oppose the bill is because he is a tried and true Republican who hates the military and seeks to prove it every chance he gets.
However, that cost would be offset by lower recruiting costs, the report predicts. It estimates there would be a 16 percent boost in recruits, which would allow a cut in enlistment bonuses and in other recruiting expenses that would result in $5.6 billion in savings over five years.

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