Monday, April 14, 2008
Well, I'll be a blue nosed gopher!
Either Libby Quaid has integrity or she is allergic to barbecue. Whichever, she does well in this AP piece on Old Johnny Two-Face McCain that actually gives some detail on the old farts real position on many issues that are important to Americans.

The four-term Arizona senator, a longtime member of the Armed Services Committee, criticized the earlier handling of the war but has been a crucial ally in President Bush's effort to increase and maintain U.S. forces in Iraq.There's more on and it is so straight forward and accurate that I fear for her job once Old Johnny's people talk to the AP brass.
Besides the war, McCain agrees broadly with Bush and other conservatives on:
-Abortion. McCain promises to appoint judges who, in the mold of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, are likely to limit the reach of the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion. McCain's record is not spotless on abortion: He said once, in 1999, that Roe v. Wade should not be overturned.
But that was an aberration in an otherwise unbroken record of opposing abortion rights for women. McCain voted repeatedly to ban federal funding for abortion; he once voted against Medicaid funds for abortion even in cases of rape or incest.
He voted to require parental consent for abortion and voted to criminalize anyone but a parent crossing state lines with a minor to help get an abortion. McCain also supported a ban preventing women in the military from getting abortions with their own money at overseas military hospitals.
"I am pro-life and an advocate for the rights of man everywhere in the world," McCain told the Conservative Political Action Conference in February. "Because to be denied liberty is an offense to nature and nature's Creator."

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