Saturday, March 08, 2008

We always knew the Bushoviks couldn't count right

And now we find out they have developed a way to pass on their numerical disability to their successors.
The hand-held mobile computers that are supposed to replace the pens and paper long used by census takers aren't working properly, and delays could send the cost from $600 million to as much as $2 billion.

The Census Bureau has done little, if any, planning for what to do if the handheld mobile computers can't be made to work. As a result, an important census dress rehearsal this spring has been delayed by a month as the agency looks for backup plans.

"I cannot over-emphasize the seriousness of this problem," Census Bureau Director Steve Murdock told a Senate hearing this week.

That same day, the Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of Congress, designated the 2010 census a "high-risk area."

The GAO's designation, which provides guidance for Congress about where the next bureaucratic crisis might lie, was the equivalent of a "Beware of Landslides" sign at the entrance to a treacherous mountain road.
As they have done little planning for a pencil and paper alternative, the question may well be 'Whose landslide?'


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