Saturday, February 09, 2008

The New York Times gets it

At least on the editorial page. The Grey Lady of Pinch-wit St. uses its editorial space today to write in opposition to the upcoming FISA bill with its telecom amnesty. In doing so they twice mention Our Dear Embattled Leader's greatest contribution to Republican governance.
The legal justification remains secret, but we suspect it was based on the finely developed theory that the president does not have to obey the law, and not on any legitimate interpretation of federal statutes.
This whole nightmare was started by Mr. Bush’s decision to spy without warrants — not because they are hard to get, but because he decided he was above the law.
Which leads to the undeniable conclusion.
This debate is not about whether the United States is going to spy on Al Qaeda, it is about whether it is going to destroy its democratic principles in doing so. Senators who care about that should vote against immunity.
Which, sadly, explains why the Republicans and their running dog, Joe Lieberschmuck, will vote as a unified bloc in favor of immunity.


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