Saturday, February 23, 2008

Lo and behold.

Just after St John McCain had finished sanctimoniously proclaiming he had never met Lowell Paxson or lobbybabe Vicki Iseman before sending supportive letters to the FCC, we are treated to McCain being refuted by his own words from 2002 and by the main beneficiary of it all and one who should know, Lowell Paxson.
Paxson said he talked with McCain in his Washington office several weeks before the Arizona Republican wrote the letters in 1999 to the FCC urging a rapid decision on Paxson's quest to acquire a Pittsburgh television station.

Paxson also recalled that his lobbyist, Vicki Iseman, likely attended the meeting in McCain's office and that Iseman helped arrange the meeting. "Was Vicki there? Probably," Paxson said in an interview with The Washington Post yesterday. "The woman was a professional. She was good. She could get us meetings."
While we can leave aside the question of whether St. John gives good meeting, the main problem for him is that he is now fully exposed as an out and out liar. Most people expect their political types to be artful dodgers of the truth, but are they really ready for one who is so easily exposed? And how many more times will we be willing accept this sort of tsunami of mendacity? The world wonders.


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