Saturday, December 29, 2007

This is scary

President Bush held an emergency meeting of his top foreign policy aides yesterday to discuss the deepening crisis in Pakistan, as administration officials and others explored whether Thursday's assassination of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto marks the beginning of a new Islamic extremist offensive that could spread beyond Pakistan and undermine the U.S. war effort in neighboring Afghanistan.

U.S. officials fear that a renewed campaign by Islamic militants aimed at the Pakistani government, and based along the border with Afghanistan, would complicate U.S. policy in the region by effectively merging the six-year-old war in Afghanistan with Pakistan's growing turbulence.
For the next year and then some, we have to hope the folks in DC who have done their best to create a huge clusterfuck in the Middle East are the ones who will not irrevocably screw up what little hope remains in the region.

I am afraid we can get better odds from a multi-state lottery.


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