Sunday, December 23, 2007

He can't help himself

He is like the magician who lets you keep the quarter he pulls out of your ear while he pockets your wallet with your cash and credit cards. He being Our Dear Unscrupulous Leader who has once again told Congress to pound sand.
The Bush administration yesterday eliminated about $700 million a year in Medicaid reimbursements to schools, sidestepping an attempt by Congress to block such a move.

A wide range of medical services, such as speech and physical therapy, are furnished to students in schools. Medicaid, the government's health insurance program for the poor, will continue to pay for those services for low-income children.

But the new rule will restrict when schools can bill the federal government for clerical work associated with providing health care. For example, schools can no longer expect Medicaid reimbursement for planning student immunizations. Schools also will not get paid for transporting students getting speech or physical therapy to school or back home.
You can have all the health care you need kid, good luck getting to the doctor's office. And don't tell me his mother can drive him. Only a fool would think that Wal-Mart would let her take the time off to do so.

You should consider this transfer of costs to states and localities in the light of the earlier post about Florida housing woes.


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