Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Vermont Glacier slowly advances

Sen. Pat Leahy rejected White House claims of executive privilege with the very simple ruling that as Our Dear Embattled Leader was, by his own admission, clueless about what was happening to his US Attorneys, there was nothing executive about the perpetrators actions.
The executive privilege claim ''is surprising in light of the significant and uncontroverted evidence that the president had no involvement in these firings,'' Leahy wrote in his ruling. ''The president's lack of involvement in these firings -- by his own account and that of many others -- calls into question any claim of executive privilege.''
Noted Republican dumass Arlen Spector made a fairly intelligent remark, not unremarkable since there was no vote pending today.
''It's a bad idea to have subpoenas issued and then not to act on them,'' said Specter, the panel's ranking Republican and a former chairman. ''If you cry wolf, you ought to follow up.''
And the White house response was delivered by Dana Perino, in a style that would make that little girl you didn't like in the 2nd grade proud. I am not posting her remarks because I am allergic to peroxide.

And so now we wait for the next step.


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