Friday, November 16, 2007

Li'l Georgie is warming up his Relevence Pen again

Because the Senate is preparing to vote on a FISA bill that does not give amnesty to the telco accomplices of the Bushoviks.
Reflecting the deep divisions within Congress over granting legal immunity to telephone companies for cooperating with the Bush administration’s program of wiretapping without warrants, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved a new domestic surveillance law on Thursday that sidestepped the issue.

By a 10 to 9 vote, the committee approved an overhaul of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act that dropped a key provision for immunity for telecommunications companies that another committee had already approved. The Senate leadership will have to decide how to deal with the immunity question on the Senate floor.

On Thursday night, the House voted 227 to 189, generally along party lines, to approve its own version of the FISA bill, which also does not include immunity.
There is still the possibility of "compromising" amnesty back into the bill so as not to offend Our Dear Embattled Leader and his toe tapping minions.


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