Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Republicans show they hate the USA, the troops and the District of Columbia

The Republican filibuster is on a roll they amassed their evil minions to deny passage to a bill that would restore one of the fundamental rights of all people in the United States, Habeas Corpus. Then with shreds of the Constitution, stained with their dreadful slobber lying on the floor about them, they turned their hate filled eyes upon the troops in Iraq. With a vote of 56-44 the filibuster prevented an honest vote on the amendment offered by Sen. Jim Webb to provide proper and adequate time at home between deployments for the men and women volunteers who put their lives on the line every day for Our Dear Embattled Leader's Glorious Failed Occupation of Iraq. To the Republicans, troops are props, not human beings who deserve respect, good leaders and good equipment. And in one final spasm of hate the Republicans claimed ownership of everything that is wrong in this country by using a procedural vote to prevent a bill giving Americans living in the District of Columbia the right to representation in Congress.

A proud day for Republicans, they have loudly proclaimed to all their unbound hatred of the United States of America.


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