Tuesday, September 11, 2007

"Bush has found his exit strategy,"

That quote from Kenneth Pollack in todays LA Times shows that even the right wing press organizations have finally figured out what is going on. Or to use the words of Paul Richter,
The talk in Washington on Monday was all about troop reductions, yet it also brought into sharp focus President Bush's plans to end his term with a strong U.S. military presence in Iraq, and to leave tough decisions about ending the unpopular war to his successor.

The plans outlined by the U.S. commander in Iraq, Gen. David H. Petraeus, would retain a large force in the country -- perhaps more than 100,000 troops -- when the time comes for Bush to move out of the White House in January 2009.

The plans also would allow Bush to live up to his pledge to the defining mission of his presidency, and perhaps to improve his chances for a decent legacy. He can say he left office pursuing a strategy that was having at least some success in suppressing violence, a claim that some historians may view sympathetically.
That last bit may require a heavy endowment to George's post White House Thimk Tank. In the meantime we are treated to the same tired old patter, gussied up with some ribbons and paint, as Betrayus and Crock call for more American deaths in Iraq.


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