Sunday, August 19, 2007
Let me see your passport, ...please
I suspect there are a lot of posts out there with headlines like the one above since this report of the latest freedom busting move from "Dr Doom" Chertoff came out.

Americans may need passports to board domestic flights or to picnic in a national park next year if they live in one of the states defying the federal Real ID Act.So far six states have passed laws refusing to comply, 21 states have shown various degrees of opposition. New Hampshire, the "Live Free or Die" state, sums up the opposition point of view well.
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff says there are no plans for a federal database of drivers' information.
The act, signed in 2005 as part of an emergency military spending and tsunami relief bill, aims to weave driver's licenses and state ID cards into a sort of national identification system by May 2008. The law sets baseline criteria for how driver's licenses will be issued and what information they must contain.
New Hampshire passed a House bill opposing the program and calling Real ID "contrary and repugnant" to the state and federal constitutions.But perfectly acceptable to Dr Doom and Fredo and others of their ilk.

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