Thursday, June 14, 2007

He can't even do that

Many years ago, leading Mob boss Frank Costello was brought before the Kefauver commission to testify about "the rackets". Being deeply involved in said criminal activities, Frank spent most of his time taking the 5th, when he was unable to plead faulty memory. In frustration one of the questioners asked him,"What have you done for your country Mr. Costello?", his reply was, "Paid my tax!"

Yesterday, another member of the DOJ's Abu Gonzo and His 40 Thieves testified in the Senate.
Hans von Spakovsky, who's seeking a full six-year term on the Federal Election Commission, deflected questions about whether he undermined voting rights laws, saying, "I was not the decision maker in the front office of the Civil Rights Division."

Time and again during his confirmation hearing, he cited either the attorney-client privilege or a cloudy memory for his purported role in restricting minorities' voting rights.

Von Spakovsky couldn't remember blocking an investigation into complaints that a Minnesota Republican official was discriminating against Native American voters before the 2004 election.

Under oath, he also said he didn't recall seeing data from the state of Georgia that would have undercut a push by senior officials within the Civil Rights Division to approve the state's tough new law requiring photo IDs of all voters. The data showed that 300,000 Georgia voters lacked driver's licenses. A federal judge later threw out the law as unconstitutional.
True, he did not take the 5th as often as Frank Costello. However, he is a Republican, so unlike the late mobster, he doesn't pay his tax.


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