Saturday, May 19, 2007
Inspectors General are good
So long as they don't really inspect and, in general, look they other way. When they start to think they should perform according to their job description, then they become that most dangerous of creatures in DC, an embarrassment to Our Dear Embarrassing Leader.
STUART W. BOWEN JR.'S job is to investigate alleged waste, fraud and mismanagement of the U.S. tax dollars being used to rebuild Iraq. He's done that job so well that he is himself under investigation.So rather than cure the problems uncovered, the Bushoviks mount a counter attack to obscure and possibly end any further embarrassment so their friends can loot and pillage in peace. Such is the integritude and honestality of the current Republican party. Until the IG's receive the greater protections called for by Mr Ervin, they will continue to work in a political combat zone at great risk.
This is no surprise to me. Since assuming the post of special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction in 2004, Bowen has issued one damning report after another documenting the misuse of billions of dollars that should have been used to restore Iraq's economy and civil society. In doing so, he has embarrassed the Bush administration and its allies in Congress. Embarrassing them has proved to be something that an inspector general does only at his peril.
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