Sunday, April 08, 2007

The termites of the Dept of Justice

Charlie Savage, writing in the Boston Globe today, takes a closer look at the Regents University Law School and the "success" it has had in placing alumnae in the Bushovik DOJ. The alma mater of skills challenged Monica Goodling has provided over 150 graduates from its program with many infesting the Dept. of Justice Civil Rights division. His example of the hiring process these future Ken Starr's underwentif frightening.
Previously, veteran civil servants screened applicants and recommended whom to hire, usually picking top students from elite schools.

In a recent Regent law school newsletter, a 2004 graduate described being interviewed for a job as a trial attorney at the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division in October 2003. Asked to name the Supreme Court decision from the past 20 years with which he most disagreed, he cited Lawrence v. Texas, the ruling striking down a law against sodomy because it violated gay people's civil rights.

"When one of the interviewers agreed and said that decision in Lawrence was 'maddening,' I knew I correctly answered the question," wrote the Regent graduate . The administration hired him for the Civil Rights Division's housing section -- the only employment offer he received after graduation, he said.
So the legal work of our government appears to be in the hands of a bunch of loyal Bushie 'welfare' hires. And a well worn KJV and an apt quote should help you escape prosecution, unless your tan is too deep.


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