Saturday, April 21, 2007

Republican voter fraud

Once again McClatchy shows itself to be the Gold Standard of news services. This time they give us an in-depth look at the Republican voter fraud that underpins the current US Attorney scandal. Our Dear Embattled Leader and his minions, like any good bunch of quislings, know that they must appear to be doing the jobs within the rules if they are going to subvert the rules from within the system.
Joseph Rich, who left his job as chief of the section in 2005, said these events formed an unmistakable pattern.

"As more information becomes available about the administration's priority on combating alleged, but not well substantiated, voter fraud, the more apparent it is that its actions concerning voter ID laws are part of a partisan strategy to suppress the votes of poor and minority citizens," he said.
And the USA scandal freaks them out because people are now getting a a look at their efforts. And like all cockroaches, they can't stand the light of day.

UPDATE: Robert Parry has a look at the fraud being perpetrated to cover the fraud.


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