Saturday, April 14, 2007

It's all in the priorities.

The New York Times opines about the White House search fo someone to run the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. In doing so they ask what must seem like a very foolish question to Republicans and other people who hate America.
National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley told The Times he’d decided that “what we need is someone with a lot of stature within the government who can make things happen.” He said that top official would have the authority to “call any cabinet secretary and get problems resolved, fast.”

The immediate question, of course, is why Mr. Hadley and his team didn’t figure that out a long time ago, preferably when there was still some chance of fixing Iraq’s problems. For that matter, isn’t that what the president’s national security adviser is supposed to be doing in the first place?

Defense Secretary Robert Gates did Mr. Hadley no favor when he described the job as “what Steve Hadley would do if Steve Hadley had the time, but he doesn’t have the time to do it full time.” What could be more deserving of Mr. Hadley’s time than trying to figure out a way to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan and extricate the country from Iraq?
And to any bunch of loyal Bushies the answer is simple.



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