Sunday, March 04, 2007

If there was a God

This would be happening to evil bastards like Our Dear Embattled Leader and Dickwahd al-Cheney.
Stacy Beardsley, a soldier's wife released this week from the hospital after a grueling surgery, watched two men in pressed military uniforms walk steadily to her front door.

"Tell me he's just hurt," the Indiana woman told the pair, according to family friend Marilyn Piersdorf.

"Well, they couldn't tell her that," Piersdorf said.

Her husband, Army Sgt. William "B.J." Beardsley, who recently lived in Coon Rapids, died Monday in Diwaniyah, Iraq, 80 miles south of Baghdad, after a roadside bomb went off near his vehicle.

The 25-year-old soldier had re-enlisted, in part, for the health insurance to cover his wife's medical bills.

He died the day she left the hospital.
But no, the Evil One still lives and his Pinocchio stumbles about the Gulf Coast handing out flags to people who have lost everything. And still the self appointed guardians of our morality tell us we are a "Christian" nation. To which I say, HORSESHIT! HORSESHIT! HORSESHIT!If this were a truly christian nation, those two evil bastards would be getting buggered in Guantanamo as we speak.


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