Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Exxon's tax cuts will give you the Hershey squirts.

And don't forget Con-Agra's contributions to Our Dear Embattled Leader and his incompetent minions. And how, you may ask, do they do this? Simple, no money coming in then no money for FDA inspections. No inspections, bigger profits and a little salmonella here and there, no big deal.
The federal agency that’s been front and center in warning the public about tainted spinach and contaminated peanut butter is conducting just half the food safety inspections it did three years ago.

The cuts by the Food and Drug Administration come despite a barrage of high-profile food recalls....Between 2003 and 2006, FDA food safety inspections dropped 47 percent, according to a database analysis of federal records by The Associated Press.

That’s not all that’s dropping at the FDA in terms of food safety. The analysis also shows:
# There are 12 percent fewer FDA employees in field offices who concentrate on food issues.
# Safety tests for U.S.-produced food have dropped nearly 75 percent, from 9,748 in 2003 to 2,455 last year, according to the agency’s own statistics.
But the corporations got their tax cuts, that should count for something. And those nasty old inspectors just found problems when they were around.


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