Saturday, February 10, 2007

Bloomberg News critiques Condi

And shows us a failure, just like her boss. And this article begins with her tenure as Secretary of State and leaves out her greatest failure, the World Trade Center.
In February 2005, Rice, already the star of the Bush cabinet, described for reporters on her maiden cross-Atlantic trip as secretary ``the tremendous opportunities ahead of us,'' including spreading ``freedom and liberty to places they've never been.''

Two years later, few of those goals have been realized. Iraq, and possibly Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, are sliding into civil war, Iran is pursuing its nuclear ambitions unchecked, Russia is ignoring demands for political and economic openness, and China is building ties with U.S. adversaries.

Rice's public approval rating is slipping, and she is getting more of the flak for the prosecution of the Iraq war than ever before.

``Condi is seen as being the loyal implementer of the president's policy priorities, and as a result she's getting the same kind of treatment as her boss,''
Despite having an oil tanker named after her, Condi is a classic ivory tower academic, weaving elegant theories and ideas that just aren't tough enough to stand up to reality. But like her boss, for Condi the agenda is more important than any reality and so we can look forward to more spiked heels and "spreading democracy" without any coherent plan based on what the real world has to offer.


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