Saturday, February 17, 2007

And then there was one

And that one last one was the absolute stark raving mad Dick "Dick" Cheney.
Despite some of Cheney's predictions about the U.S. mission in Iraq having been proved wrong--most notably his assertion in May 2005 that the insurgency was in its "last throes"--he has retained his stature within the administration. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has moved from the White House to Foggy Bottom, political adviser Karl Rove has been demoted from his policy role at the White House and Rumsfeld has been replaced. Yet Cheney has held on to a powerful role.
And any one who thinks that any progress has been made toward the rescue of the US from Iraq need only remember this.
"But the real power of the vice president was that he could go in and talk to the president about whatever he wanted, and staff didn't always know what he was saying."
And the results have shown that the staff were not the only ones who didn't know what he was saying.

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