Sunday, January 07, 2007

Another day, another 71 bodies

As the Iraqi "government" cranks up its assualt on insurgents, beginning in the Sunni areas naturally, another grisly harvest was picked up in Baghdad.
Maliki's speech, to commemorate Iraqi Army Day, took place on a day when at least 71 corpses were found in the streets of Baghdad, one of the largest such discoveries in a civil war in which scores of bodies turn up daily.

Most of the victims had been bound, blindfolded, tortured and executed with gunshots to the chest or head. Twenty-seven of the bodies were found near the Sheik Omar cemetery, a Sunni Arab burial ground in downtown Baghdad. Some of the victims had been strangled.

Many of the dead were presumed to be the victims of Shiite death squads, police sources said.
Seems like someone else is surging ahead of Our Dear Leader's Important Policy Speech.


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